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The Mirror Room is an ideal place for business meetings. It is and can accommodate up to 50 people. It has air conditioning, a good sound system, multimedia equipment and all the necessary elements to be able to work / organise training in comfortable conditions.
ConferencesMoreEvery year we try to surprise you with our ingenuity with the organization of events such as: New Year’s Eve, Women’s Day, St. Andrew’s Day. What will we surprise you with this time? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
ConsolationsMoreWe have four air-conditioned rooms that we can fully put at the disposal of your guests. Consequently, we can organize a wedding party for up to 230 people. In addition, over twenty years of experience in organizing wedding receptions allows us to calmly, but also …
A wedding reception at NataMoreWe know how important good cuisine is for the success of an event, which is why we try to surprise with originality and taste of our dishes. We provide full catering, presenting the possibility of choosing from a number of menu proposals prepared by us …
CateringMoreRestaurant Rooms
ul. 1 Maja 13 B, 32-590 Libiąż
tel.: 32 627 46 22